Conway Look-and-say Sequence
Let’s play a game with integer sequences. Observe the following sequence:
\[\begin{align} 1\\ 11\\ 21\\ 1211\\ 111221\\ 312211\\ \vdots \end{align}\]Can you tell the next number?
Ans: The next number is $1311221$ because we have “one $3$, one $1$, two $2$s, and two $1$s” from the previous term.
I came across this Conway look-and-say sequence in a minicourse about computational number theory and found the pattern was hilarious at first. After roughly going through the related section in Eureka. 46 and some basic theorems, I took some notes for fun.
Algebraic and transcendental numbers
Definition 0.1 (Algebraic Number) A number $\theta \in \mathbb{C}$ is algebraic if it satifies the polynomial equation, i.e.
\[f(\theta) = a_n\theta^n + a_{n-1}\theta^{n-1} + \cdots + a_1\theta + a_0 = 0\]with $a_0, …, a_n \in \mathbb{Q}$.
From the definition, we notice that all rational numbers are algebriac as $x = \frac{a}{b}$ is a root of $bx-a$, where $a, b \in \mathbb{Z}$.
Some classic examples are:
- $\sqrt{2} \rightarrow x^2 - 2$,
- $i = \sqrt{-1} \rightarrow x^2 + 1$,
- $\cos(\frac{2\pi}{9})\rightarrow 8x^3-6x+1$.
Proposition 0.2 The algebraic numbers form a field $\bar{\mathbb{Q}} \subseteq \mathbb{C}$.
- Properties such as associativity, commutativity, and distributivity are inherited from $\mathbb{C}$. For $\bar{\mathbb{Q}}$ to be a field, all we need is to show is that the sum, difference, product and quotient (if the denominator is nonzero) of two algebraic numbers is again algebraic.
- To prove the sum and product of two algebraic numbers is again algebraic, the following lemma turns out to be helpful.
Lemma 0.3 Suppose $V \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ is a finite-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{Q}$ with $V \ne 0$ and $x \in \mathbb{C}$, then
\[xV \subseteq V \implies x \in \bar{\mathbb{Q}}.\]Proof: Let $e_1, …, e_n$ be a basis for $V$. By assumption,
\[\begin{align} xe_1 &= a_{11}e_1 + \cdots + a_{1n}e_n, \\ xe_2 &= a_{21}e_1 + \cdots + a_{2n}e_n, \\ &\vdots\\ xe_n &= a_{n1}e_1 + \cdots + a_{nn}e_n. \\ \end{align}\]Since a basis can’t be all zero vectors, we have
\[\det(xI - A) = 0,\]where
\[A =\begin{pmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & \cdots & a_{1n}\\ a_{21} & a_{22} & \cdots & a_{2n}\\ \vdots & \vdots &\ddots & \vdots\\ a_{n1} & a_{n2} & \cdots & a_{nn} \end{pmatrix}.\]This is a polynomial equation with coefficients in $\mathbb{Q} \implies x \in \bar{\mathbb{Q}}$. ◼
Proof of proposition 0.2: Let $\theta_1, \theta_2$ be algebraic and, without loss of generality, $f_1, f_2$ be some rational polynomials with least degrees $m,n$ such that $f_1(\theta_1) = 0, f_2(\theta_2) = 0$. Clearly, $f(-\theta_1) = 0$ and $\theta_1^{m}f_1(\frac{1}{\theta_1}) = 0$. To show that $\theta_1+\theta_2$ and $\theta_1 \theta_2$ are algebaic, consider the following vector space
\[V = \langle \theta_1^i\theta_2^j : 0\leq i <m, 0 \leq j <n \rangle\]over $\mathbb{Q}$ spanned by the $mn$ elements $\theta_1^i\theta_2^j$. Since $\theta_1^m$ can be expressed as a linear combination of lower degrees of $\theta_1$ (similarly for $\theta_2$), we have
\[\theta_1 V \subseteq V, ~~~ \theta_2 V \subseteq V.\]Hence
\[(\theta_1 + \theta_2) V \subseteq V, ~~~ \theta_1\theta_2 V \subseteq V,\]which completes the proof by the previous lemma. ◼
Remark: Similarly, we can show that the set of all algebraic integers forms a ring $\bar{\mathbb{Z}} \subseteq \bar{\mathbb{Q}}$.
The algebraic numbers form a countable subset of the $\mathbb{C}$, so “most” numbers are not algebraic. Non-algebraic numbers are called transcendental.
- $\pi, \text{e}, \log(2), \text{e}^{\pi}$ are examples of transcendental numbers.
One of many useful results is the Lindemann’s Theorem.
Theorem 0.4 (Lindemann’s Theorem) Suppose $\theta \neq 0$ is algebraic. Then $\text{e}^{\theta}$ is transcendental.
Some remarks:
- $\text{e}, \pi$ are transcendental immediately follows this theorem by setting $\theta = 1$ and $i\pi$.
- I’ll prove a related result which implies Lindemann’s Theorem.
Theorem 0.5 Suppose $\theta_1, …, \theta_k$ are distinct algebraic integers. Then $\text{e}^{\theta_1}, …, \text{e}^{\theta_k}$ are linearly independent over $\bar{\mathbb{Q}}$.
Theorem 0.5 $\implies$ Theorem 0.4: Let $\theta$ be an algebraic number, then there exists an integer $k$ such that $\theta k$ is an algebriac interger (just multiply the corresponding polynomial equation by the appropriate integer). So, without loss of generality, suppose that $\theta$ is an algebraic integer and $\text{e}^{\theta} = b$ is an algebraic number. By setting $\theta_1 = 0$ and $\theta_2 = \theta$, $b_1 = -b$ and $b_2 = 1$, we have
\[b_1\text{e}^{\theta_1} + b_2 \text{e}^{\theta_2} = -b + \text{e}^{\theta} = 0,\]contradicting the fact that $\text{e}^{\theta_1}$ and $\text{e}^{\theta_2}$ are linearly independent over $\bar{\mathbb{Q}}$. ◼
Proof of Lindemann’s Theorem: I just noticed that this proof required lots of technical details. I will try to write my version of proof in a later post, hopefully. See Jacobson’s book Algebra I, Page 277 for a complete proof. ◼
An algebraic suprise
The sequence $1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211, …$ is the Conway look-and-say sequence. Write $L_n$ for the length of the $n$th term. Then, surprisingly to me at least, the number
\[\lambda := \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{L_{n+1}}{L_n} = 1.303577296...\]is algebraic, satisfying a polynomial of degree $71$, which looks like this:
\[\begin{align} &x^{71}-x^{69}-2x^{68}-x^{67}+2x^{66}+2x^{65}+x^{64}-x^{63}-x^{62}-x^{61}-x^{60}\\ -&x^{59}+2x^{58}+5x^{57}+3x^{56}-2x^{55}10x^{54}-3x^{53}-2x^{52}+6x^{51}\\ +&6x^{50}+x^{49}+9x^{48}-3x^{47}-7x^{46}-8x^{45}-8x^{44}+10x^{43}+6x^{42}\\ +&8x^{41}-5x^{40}-12x^{39}+7x^{38}-7x^{37}+7x^{36}+x^{35}-3x^{34}+10x^{33}\\ +&x^{32}-6x^{31}-2x^{30}-10x^{29}-3x^{28}+2x^{27}+9x^{26}-3x^{25}+14x^{24}\\ -8&x^{23}-7x^{21}+9x^{20}+3x^{19}-4x^{18}-10x^{17}-7x^{16}+12x^{15}\\ +7&x^{14}+2x^{13}-12x^{12}-4x^{11}-2x^{10}+5x^{9}+x^7-7x^6+7x^5\\ -4&x^4+12x^3-6x^2+3x-6. \end{align}\]The constant $\lambda$ can be interpreted as the ratio of two seccessive terms. It reveals the fact that the Conway look-and-say sequences grow predictably in size, and the length (i.e. number of digits) of the $(n+1)$ term is approximately $1.3057$ times the length of the $n$th term. Moreover, $\lambda$ is in fact the largest root of the above polynomial of degree $71$.
Properties of Conway look-and-say sequences
One can verify the following properties of the look-and-say sequences by using induction on the length of each term.
- Only $1, 2$ or $3$ appear in the digits.
- Every term in the sequences ends in $1$.
- Every term begin with $1$ or $3$, execpt for the third term $21$.
- The digits $22$ is stable, in the sence that it never changes.
$92$ Elements
Conway discovered that each term in the look-and-say sequences can be broken up into smaller, atomic ones, in the sence that each term in the look-and-say sequences is a concatenation of $92$ non-interacting subsequences. Conway named them after the $92$ elements in the periodic table from hydrogen $22$ to uranium $3$ with the longest atomic subsequence being rhenium: $111312211312113221133211322112211213322113$. To be more specific, let us summarise these $92$ atomic subsequences in lexicographical order in the table below.
Number | Subsequence | Length | Evolution | Element |
1 | 1112 | 4 | (63) | |
2 | 1112133 | 7 | (64)(62) | |
3 | 111213322112 | 12 | (65) | |
4 | 111213322113 | 12 | (66) | |
5 | 1113 | 4 | (68) | |
6 | 11131 | 5 | (69) | |
7 | 111311222112 | 12 | (84)(55) | |
8 | 111312 | 6 | (70) | |
9 | 11131221 | 8 | (71) | |
10 | 1113122112 | 10 | (76) | |
11 | 1113122113 | 10 | (77) | |
12 | 11131221131112 | 14 | (82) | |
13 | 111312211312 | 12 | (78) | |
14 | 11131221131211 | 14 | (79) | |
15 | 111312211312113211 | 18 | (80) | |
16 | 111312211312113221133211322112211213322112 | 42 | (81)(29)(91) | |
17 | 111312211312113221133211322112211213322113 | 42 | (81)(29)(90) | |
18 | 11131221131211322113322112 | 26 | (81)(30) | |
19 | 11131221133112 | 14 | (75)(29)(92) | |
20 | 1113122113322113111221131221 | 28 | (75)(32) | |
21 | 11131221222112 | 14 | (72) | |
22 | 111312212221121123222112 | 24 | (73) | |
23 | 111312212221121123222113 | 24 | (74) | |
24 | 11132 | 5 | (83) | |
25 | 1113222 | 7 | (86) | |
26 | 1113222112 | 10 | (87) | |
27 | 1113222113 | 10 | (88) | |
28 | 11133112 | 8 | (89)(92) | |
29 | 12 | 2 | (1) | |
30 | 123222112 | 9 | (3) | |
31 | 123222113 | 9 | (4) | |
32 | 12322211331222113112211 | 23 | (2)(61)(29)(85) | |
33 | 13 | 2 | (5) | |
34 | 131112 | 6 | (28) | |
35 | 13112221133211322112211213322112 | 32 | (24)(33)(61)(29)(91) | |
36 | 13112221133211322112211213322113 | 32 | (24)(33)(61)(29)(90) | |
37 | 13122112 | 8 | (7) | |
38 | 132 | 3 | (8) | |
39 | 13211 | 5 | (9) | |
40 | 132112 | 6 | (10) | |
41 | 1321122112 | 10 | (21) | |
42 | 132112211213322112 | 18 | (22) | |
43 | 132112211213322113 | 18 | (23) | |
44 | 132113 | 6 | (11) | |
45 | 1321131112 | 10 | (19) | |
46 | 13211312 | 8 | (12) | |
47 | 1321132 | 7 | (13) | |
48 | 13211321 | 8 | (14) | |
49 | 132113212221 | 12 | (15) | |
50 | 13211321222113222112 | 20 | (18) | |
51 | 1321132122211322212221121123222112 | 34 | (16) | |
52 | 1321132122211322212221121123222113 | 34 | (17) | |
53 | 13211322211312113211 | 20 | (20) | |
54 | 1321133112 | 10 | (6)(61)(29)(92) | |
55 | 1322112 | 7 | (26) | |
56 | 1322113 | 7 | (27) | |
57 | 13221133112 | 11 | (25)(29)(92) | |
58 | 1322113312211 | 13 | (25)(29)(67) | |
59 | 132211331222113112211 | 21 | (25)(29)(85) | |
60 | 13221133122211332 | 17 | (25)(29)(68)(61)(29)(89) | |
61 | 22 | 2 | (61) | |
62 | 3 | 1 | (33) | |
63 | 3112 | 4 | (40) | |
64 | 3112112 | 7 | (41) | |
65 | 31121123222112 | 14 | (42) | |
66 | 31121123222113 | 14 | (43) | |
67 | 3112221 | 7 | (38)(39) | |
68 | 3113 | 4 | (44) | |
69 | 311311 | 6 | (48) | |
70 | 31131112 | 8 | (54) | |
71 | 3113112211 | 10 | (49) | |
72 | 3113112211322112 | 16 | (50) | |
73 | 3113112211322112211213322112 | 28 | (51) | |
74 | 3113112211322112211213322113 | 28 | (52) | |
75 | 311311222 | 9 | (47)(38) | |
76 | 311311222112 | 12 | (47)(55) | |
77 | 311311222113 | 12 | (47)(56) | |
78 | 3113112221131112 | 16 | (47)(57) | |
79 | 311311222113111221 | 18 | (47)(58) | |
80 | 311311222113111221131221 | 24 | (47)(59) | |
81 | 31131122211311122113222 | 23 | (47)(60) | |
82 | 3113112221133112 | 16 | (47)(33)(61)(29)(92) | |
83 | 311312 | 6 | (45) | |
84 | 31132 | 5 | (46) | |
85 | 311322113212221 | 15 | (53) | |
86 | 311332 | 6 | (38)(29)(89) | |
87 | 3113322112 | 10 | (38)(30) | |
88 | 3113322113 | 10 | (38)(31) | |
89 | 312 | 3 | (34) | |
90 | 312211322212221121123222113 | 27 | (36) | |
91 | 312211322212221121123222112 | 27 | (35) | |
92 | 32112 | 5 | (37) |
Later when I feel productive…